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Offshore to the Nearshore

Nearshore outsourcing is the practice of obtaining services from a third party that is based or located in a neighboring region or location to the United States. Besides the well-known cost reduction (30-50% or more vs. U.S. operating costs) here is a short list of advantages:

Since wages at Nearshore locations are significantly less than U.S. wages, quality then, is the key factor you must look for.

Guatemala is a few hours flight away from any major U.S. airport. Travel time and costs are significantly reduced for personnel or vendor managers to visit the site.

Through our multi-cultured background, understanding of the US culture comes naturally to us. English is widely spoken in major urban areas as well as exposure to American media

Ready to get started?

The right timing to outsource varies from company to company. It is a pivotal moment for growth or scale.Outsourcing can be the difference that allows your business be nimble and rocket pass your competitors as it allows your business go from overwhelmed to organized and profitable.

You are ready to outsource if:

  • You and your current employees are unable to manage the day-to-day tasks while growing your building the business satisfactorily.
  • You need help to take on undertake new clients or projects that do not warrant a full-time employee.
  • You want your business to grow and in order to do that you need to start delegating.

We’re Very Pilas. Able to think on our feet. Intelligent, Educated people. Timely project delivery. Low cost for high return.

Our assistants are specialized and experienced in three main areas:

  • C-level support
    • Priority contacts reach out / response
    • Scheduling & meeting management
    • Travel arrangements
    • Inbox management
    • Other sensitive tasks
  • Expense reports
  • Office manager and other admin related tasks
  • CRM Management
  • Post meeting follow-up
  • Assist with scheduling prospective clients
  • Lead generation and curation
  • Mass and personalized email communication
  • Electronic and outbound communication


100 hours
  • Best for mixing one-off tasks and small recurring ones.
  • Helpful to gauge new or tweaked processes to be implemented in your company.
150 hours
  • Best option for medium to high volume of recurring tasks.
  • Our team is responsive and plugged into yours for behind the scenes support.